Clone Phishing: Recognize and Avoid

Arsen Team

Arsen Team


Clone phishing is a sophisticated cyberattack where attackers replicate legitimate emails or messages but replace original links or attachments with malicious ones. By using a nearly identical copy of a previous, trusted communication, attackers trick recipients into clicking harmful links or providing sensitive information. Understanding how clone phishing works is essential for safeguarding personal and organizational security.

What is Clone Phishing?

In a clone phishing attack, a cybercriminal takes a legitimate email that the recipient has previously received, such as an invoice or a service notification. They create an identical “clone” of the message, using the same sender address, content, and formatting. The only difference is that the original links or attachments are swapped with malicious ones designed to steal credentials, infect devices, or compromise data.

Example Scenario

You receive an email that looks exactly like a previous message from your bank, asking you to review your recent transaction. However, this new email contains a link to a fraudulent website designed to harvest your login credentials.

How to Recognize Clone Phishing

  • Unexpected Duplicates: Be cautious if you receive an email that seems to be a duplicate of a message you’ve already interacted with, especially if it contains a new request or attachment.

  • Modified Links: Hover over links to check their destination. If they differ from the original, this is a strong indication of clone phishing.

  • Urgency and Pressure: Clone phishing emails often add a sense of urgency, such as "Immediate action required!" to prompt you to act without careful consideration.

How to Avoid Clone Phishing

  • Verify with the Sender: If you receive a suspicious duplicate message, contact the sender using a trusted method before taking any action.

  • Use Security Tools: Enable email filters and use anti-phishing software to detect potential clone phishing attacks.

At Arsen, we provide next-generation training to help employees recognize and avoid clone phishing attempts.

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