Sendmail: Configuring Email Servers for Security

Lïa Desmousseaux de Givré

Lïa Desmousseaux de Givré

Email Cybersecurity

Sendmail is a widely-used mail transfer agent (MTA) that handles the delivery of email across networks. It’s been a cornerstone of email server infrastructure for decades, primarily on Unix-based systems. While Sendmail is powerful, its configuration can be complex. Properly securing it is essential to prevent unauthorized access and ensure reliable email delivery.

How Sendmail Works

At its core, Sendmail routes email from one server to another using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). It processes outbound email requests and forwards them to the appropriate destination. Sendmail’s flexibility is one of its strengths; it supports different delivery protocols and complex routing scenarios, making it a popular choice for enterprises.

However, with great flexibility comes the risk of misconfiguration, potentially exposing your system to attacks or allowing misuse for sending spam.

Configuring Sendmail for Security

To ensure your Sendmail setup is secure, follow these best practices:

1. Restrict Relay Access

Unauthorized email relaying can turn your server into a spam-sending machine. Edit your or access file to restrict which domains or IP addresses can send emails through your server.

2. Enable SMTP Authentication

Requiring users to authenticate before sending mail adds a layer of protection. Configure SMTP authentication to prevent anonymous users from using your server to send email.

3. Use TLS Encryption

Encrypting email communication with Transport Layer Security (TLS) is critical. Modify Sendmail to support STARTTLS, ensuring that email exchanges are encrypted and reducing the risk of eavesdropping.

4. Regular Updates and Patching

Security vulnerabilities can be exploited if Sendmail is outdated. Regularly update Sendmail to its latest version and apply security patches as they become available.


Sendmail remains a powerful tool in email server management, but its flexibility requires careful configuration. By restricting relay access, enabling authentication, and encrypting communications, you can secure your Sendmail server and ensure reliable email delivery.

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