How to effectively raise awareness against phishing?


In this video, we explain how to effectively raise awareness about phishing. The goal of this awareness is to improve employees' behavior in the face of attacks.

An employee who is not properly aware becomes an integral part of your attack surface. This can be compared to software that is not patched and has vulnerabilities in its code.

Transforming a vulnerable employee into an additional protective element is one of the objectives of phishing awareness. A seasoned employee can contribute to the security of the company by reporting a cyber attack, thus limiting its impact.

There are different solutions to combat phishing, such as phishing tests. Traditional methods such as e-learnings or masterclasses allow for quick awareness with pre-prepared programs.

However, these processes are not optimal. An effective method is defined by strong engagement, realistic and contextualized content, and experiential training.

By using such a method, the employee will more easily integrate the elements of the training. They will be better able to detect a phishing email when the time comes, compared to purely theoretical content that is disconnected from the situations they observe.

Your awareness solution should also improve the company culture so that each employee understands their responsibility in the fight against phishing.

In this video, you will learn:

  • The objective of phishing awareness.
  • The limitations of traditional methods such as e-learnings or masterclasses.
  • The characteristics of an effective awareness method.
  • How to implement a phishing awareness solution.

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