Securing telecommuting: the complete guide


Securing teleworking? These past few months we have published various articles on cybersecurity and teleworking.

Indeed, the context of the health crisis has led to an increase in teleworking. Sometimes implemented in a hurry, this brings its share of risks and security flaws.

That is why our series of articles, ranging from personal best practices to cybersecurity advice for IT managers, aims to provide you with the best practices to apply to reduce your cyber risk.

Securing teleworking

Establishing the right foundations

The first thing to do to secure teleworking is to communicate the best practices to be applied to each employee.

Ensure that everyone is aware of the best practices and adopts good habits in general.

Our first article on personal cybersecurity best practices is dedicated to this.

Click here to read the article

At home

Teleworking can take place anywhere. However, in a climate of health alert, many people work from home.

In our article on cybersecurity and teleworking at home, we discuss the rules to follow to telework safely from your own home.

Click here to read the article


Sometimes, teleworking from home is not so comfortable. We need to go out, work in a different environment, or simply isolate ourselves to concentrate.

We find ourselves in a completely different context, working in public places on less secure networks.

Our article on the cybersecurity of teleworking outside is full of advice to work safely, whether in a coworking space or from your favorite coffee shop.

Click here to read the article

Companies: How to secure teleworking?

Maintaining a high level of cybersecurity when deciding to implement teleworking on a large scale is a real challenge.

Firstly, the implementation of the previous articles by your employees helps manage a large number of risks and increase your cyber resilience.

Furthermore, we have published a detailed article to guide you in securing and implementing cybersecurity best practices for the deployment of teleworking in your company.

Click here to read the article

What's next

Cybersecurity is a constant cat and mouse game. Stay critical and become familiar with the risks.

Technological protections evolve, but humans remain in control, and improving the level of awareness, adopting good habits, and fostering a risk-aware corporate culture is the only sustainable way to protect oneself.

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